
Oil on canvas board, 12 x 16 inches. June, 2009. Reference Photo

oil on canvas

This is my entry in the Different Strokes From Different Folks (DSFDF) bi-weekly challenge, submitted on 6/02/09.

Once again, this is out of my "comfort zone" because there is a deadline. I am not very happy with the painting, but I know that even if I spent another year working on this, it would not be much better. My primary goal for this project was to use it as a learning experience, and I consider that part a success. I learned a lot.

What did I learn?

oil on canvas

As I planned/prepared for this project, I studied several paintings by Vincent van Gogh. I focused on three things - (1) the grass in the foreground, (2) the sky, and (3) the van Gogh sunflowers. I decided to skip the sunflowers and leave that out of my painting. I made an effort at the Van Gogh sky, and I disliked what I had, so I painted over it. My finished painting has a decidedly un-remarkable sky. The grass/wheat/whatever in the foreground of my painting is directly influenced by the van Gogh painting Wheat Field at Auvers with White House - 1890 near the end of his life.

My conclusion - I began this project thinking van Gogh was one of my favorite painters. After attempting to copy him, my admiration and appreciation has grown significantly. He was quite the mad genius.

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One Response to “Pennsyltucky”

  1. It is such a great understanding to know that all our paintings are great learning pieces for all of us. Very nice job.